Monday, July 12, 2010


Step 1. A key is to find your daughter's interests and passions.
Imagine the following in a pompous voice with a "highbrow English" accent:
Try to interact with your daughter. It may be difficult because she is texting, but you need to push yourself out there.

Spend time with your daughter trying new things.

We're trying to get beyond the obvious. But first, have you tried the obvious?
Ask your D, "What do you like to do?" The most probable reply she will give is, "I don't know, go away."

Take your D to experiences that are new. Try new foods at new restaurants.

Another key is to get outside away from technology.

"Leave the obvious to find the obvious." Maya, age 12.

Step 2.
After you know what your daughter likes, organize events she will like. At first you do this by planning ahead. But later you will realize that on-the-spot activities have a different feel.

Plan creek walks. A creek walk is a splash in local creek searching for bugs and critters and enjoying the environment around you.
Bike rides.
Be a pyro.
Try to interact with nature.
If it does not work out well with your D, suspend her phone privileges and internet access for a month because it is probably her friends' fault!

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